Health & Safety

Environment & Ecology

Employee Development

Community Events

Epidemic Prevention in Progress

A clean environment for guests and staff is a long-standing commitment of the Barony Hotels & Resorts Worldwide. We have implemented enhanced standards of hygiene and cleanliness to combat the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. At the same time, we are constantly monitoring and improving our solutions to protect the health and safety of our guests and staff through periodic health and hygiene training.

Safety Commitment

The hotels of the Barony Hotels & Resorts Worldwide strictly enforce the food safety management system and maintain a zero-tolerance attitude towards non-compliance with safety and hygiene practices.

Safety System

The Barony Hotels & Resorts Worldwide has a comprehensive safety management system that includes a food safety system, an emergency management system, and security management procedures. Regular training and assessments are conducted to ensure that staff members are always aware of safe and healthy working practices.

The Green Moment

We are committed to promoting nature conservation initiatives and the Green Moment programme. We hope that you will become a part of the Green Moment programme and contribute to the conservation of nature at this time.

Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation

As part of the Group's green and energy-saving initiatives, we reduce the use of disposable plastic and paper products in our hotel operations, use more sustainable or recyclable materials and promote the reuse of linen and consumables while ensuring hygiene and safety. In addition, we have adopted energy-efficient facilities such as intelligent equipment for kitchen waste disposal and the introduction of environmentally friendly laundry facilities.

Caring for the Nature

We care for nature project is actively involved in the conservation and restoration of biodiversity. By working with local governments, NGOs and communities, we protect the surrounding flora and fauna and their habitats.

Career Development Plan

We support our employees in achieving their career aspirations by providing them with a wide range of job options in different businesses and regions.

We are committed to providing continuous career development opportunities for our employees. Some of these initiatives include

Leadership development programmes

Skills training courses

On-the-job training

Opportunities for cross-functional or cross-regional rotations for projects or inter-store assistance

Succession Planning

The leadership succession programme aims to create a positive working environment and to motivate employees to learn and explore.  We carefully identify potential employees and seek out the best qualities of each employee.

We focus on developing local talent, listening to our employees' ideas and responding to their feedback.

Diversity Development

We actively practice a diversity of talent and adhere to innovative ideas. We guide our employees to express themselves and discover themselves, promoting diversity in their careers while meeting the needs of diverse customers and local communities.

We Care

Proactive and in-depth communication with local communities in order to understand the practical needs of various stakeholders, demonstrate social responsibility and seek a common sense of belonging and identity.

Giving Back

By providing employment and skills training opportunities, our hotels contribute to the socio-economic development of local communities.  We work intensively with local charitable organisations to provide job opportunities and vocational training to the less fortunate members of society to improve their livelihoods.

Love & Support

With a focus on children's development and education, our hotels are actively involved in long-term partnerships with local children's charities or educational organisations. We focus on the development of children's health and education in the local community, providing material support to community welfare organisations and supporting recent graduates with job skills training and hotel internship opportunities.